Things that go on on a teenager's mind

Things that go on on a teenager's mind

I have no idea on where to even start. When I was 6, I thought, I love my parents, when I was 13, gosh I hated my parents, it's not like I don't have that feeling anymore, but it's more like they might be right in most of the things. I'm mad at truth. I've always tried to forgive them, even during times when my mother told me that I look like a "call girl" for wearing a lipstick that was not so matching to my lip color. Maybe it's a girl thing more than a teenager thing. Especially in Indian households, girls get treated unfairly regardless of how much the world has evolved. It often feels like a burden to be born as a girl and it's war everyday if you are. But I must be thankful that this is the most that has happened...yet, I've seen as well as heard worse. This is what has made me into who I am today, stronger.