Things that go on on a teenager's mind

Things that go on on a teenager's mind (chapter 7)

Sometimes I wonder how certain things my parents and I don't have in common, just completely different. For parents don't have the capacity to listen neither to my brother and I. It's like they don't have the patience to take in and consider our opinions and thoughts. I understand that they try to correct me when I'm wrong but being right or wrong is actually secondary. All we ever asked was for their patience and to listen to us. In the long run, I have accepted the fact that that's them and nothing will change. But that's okay, because I understand that they were not allowed to have feelings as a child anyways and they had a rough childhood. At least, I get to create a life of my own. I still love them dearly even if I don't really express it. Love for them was always something materialistic. Like, food, shelter, education that their parents give them, but for me, emotional validation, one to one talks is love. That's one more thing that differs between us. But it all comes down again to how they were brought up. As their child, once I'm old enough, I'll take care of them, repay them.